15 d’abril del 2015

An advance...

Today I was so creative that I want to share it with you. What do you think? Do you know which plant is this? For me is one of the most beautiful flower and its perfume is awesome!!! Its meaning is not as beautiful as the plant so you must be aware if someone gives this to you. This is an advance of the plant that I will write in a new post. 

I let you think about the name and if you know something about this plant you can explain us!!
See you soon!


Avui estava molt creativa i he decidit compartir-ho amb vosaltres. Què en penseu? Sabeu quina planta he pintat? Per mi és una de les flors més boniques que conec i els seu perfum és espectacular!! El seu significat no és tan bo així que estigueu alerta si algun dia algú us regala aquesta planta. Avui el post és un avançament de la propera planta de la qual parlaré.

Us deixo pensar-hi i si sabeu coses o informacions interessants sobre aquesta planta, no dubteu en escriure.

Fins aviat!!

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